When you are dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, you are likely dealing with two types of problems: personal injuries that you sustained as a result of the accident and personal property damage to your car that was a result of the accident. Both of these problems can be devastating and force you to alter how you live your life completely. When you have been the victim in a car accident and would like legal help so that you can make a claim, you should speak with car accident attorneys. They care about the pain you have gone through and want to make sure you receive compensation for damages. Please contact an attorney today to see how they can help you move on from this accident.
The other driver is fighting me. How can we determine fault?
This is one of the most popular questions we get asked at our firm and determining fault is essential when it comes to receiving compensation. Thankfully, when it comes to determining who is at fault in car accidents, we can look to the rules of the road to determine what the standards are for driving and which laws apply. In some cases, it may be obvious that one person was negligent. For example, if the other driver ran through a red light and hit your car causing you to become injured, it is very likely this would be a simple case where we can show negligence.
What do you need to prove negligence in a car accident?
When you are the victim in a car accident, you must prove four things.
- The other driver (like every driver) was responsible for maintaining a certain level of care on the road.
- The other driver did not maintain this level of care.
- Because they did not maintain this level of care, the other driver caused your injuries or caused damage to your vehicle.
- The damages sustained were a direct result of the other driver negligently causing your car accident.
Is the person who rear-ends a car always found liable?
Not necessarily. However, usually the person who rear-ends another person is found to be at fault for the accident, regardless of why the person in front stopped their car. It is also easier to prove who may be at fault for an accident when the tail end of your car is damaged and the front end of the other car is damaged as well.
What happens if the victim shares fault?
This will depend on the state you were in when you got into the car accident, but in many cases if the victim shares responsibility for the accident they may only be able to recover a certain amount of compensation for any injuries or damage they sustained.