Workers Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered an injury after a workplace accident, then you may not know what to do next. You know that there are certain steps that you need to take, but you may not know exactly what those are. You might also wonder if you even need a lawyer for your work injury. Most times, you should find a lawyer to help you through this case.

There are certain circumstances you are much better off having a skilled worker’s injury lawyer on your team. Here are some of the following scenarios that would show that you should find yourself a qualified lawyer so you can get a much more favorable outcome.

Your Employer is Delaying The Claim 

 After experiencing an accident in the workplace, you need to notify your employer as soon as possible. Once you have notified your employer, they must then contact their insurance company and file a claim. However, if your employer does not do this quickly enough, this can negatively affect you. A word injury lawyer can help make sure the process gets going so that you can get the benefits you need as soon as possible.

Your Claim is Denied 

Your claim can be denied by the insurance company for a variety of different reasons. If your claim is denied, you can appeal the decision. The need to appeal a denial adds a level of complication to your case that you are often unlikely to be prepared for on your own. Since every state, the appeal process varies, it can often be a great benefit to have a worker’s injury lawyer on your team to ensure that your case is handled properly.

Your Accident Results in Permanent Disability 

There are two types of disability: permanent partial disability and permanent total disability. When your accident results in a permanent partial disability and you are still able to work, just not in the same capacity as before the accident. On the other hand, a permanent total disability with the view unable to work altogether. Disabilities are often expensive and insurance companies may push back. Having a lawyer on your team can help ensure you receive the benefits you need after suffering a disability.

You Have a Preexisting Condition 

If you already have a pre-existing condition in the same area you were injured in, then you can expect the insurance company to fight back. They will try to blame your condition rather than state that you had a workplace asked. Your lawyer can help reduce evidence to show that your injuries were a direct result of your accident and had nothing to do with your pre-existing condition.
Workplace injuries can be overwhelming and that is why we suggest finding a workplace injury lawyer like our friends at the Therman Law Offices, LTD, to help you through this process.